This is the blog of the Wasatch Naturists.
Family Naturism
American Association for Nude Recreation-West(AANR-West) posted an interesting item about family naturism on their MeWe page :
#NudeFamilyFriday — It is all right for them to see Mommy and Daddy are different ... he’ll have a healthy understanding of their bodies as well as of others as he grows older, ɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟʟʏ. #StayHomeStaySafeStayNaked.
Read more: Family Naturism - Use these challenging times to strengthen your family through naturism
The Naturist Living Show
The Naturists Living Show, a podcast about naturism for naturists (nudism and nudists to some people)
Since 2008, The Naturist Living Show has been presenting topics related to naturism and discussing issues of interest to naturists. (nudism/nudist in some countries) Naturism is more than just taking your clothes off. It is a life philosophy with physical, psychological, environmental, social and moral benefits. The podcast is produced by Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park in Ontario, Canada.
The article, written by Taylor Hartman, is a nice piece on naturism, focusing on Active LDS who practice naturism, but he talks a lot about Wasatch Naturists too.
I'd heard about the class on a Facebook group called Wasatch Naturists, which a friend told me about during a conversation on skinny dipping. I contacted the class leader and told him the idea of communal, non-sexual nudity fascinated me and that I wanted to write a story on it. After a few messages, he agreed to allow me into their inner sanctum with one caveat: I'd have to be nude as well.
It also references the LDS Skinny Dipper Forum.
Definitely check out this article. Its good press and Naturism can always use good press.
The first week of August, Wasatch Naturists held the 4th annual Campout in the Mountains in Summit County.
Our monthly nude swims are usually held on the third Sunday of the month, but since the third Sunday in June is Father's Day, the swim will be held on the fourth Sunday (June 25).
The swims are for members of Wasatch Naturists and their guests. If you would like more information, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Naturism is good for the family. A family that plays together, stays together.
Lets celebrate the fact that there is once again an organization promoting naturism in Utah. Wasatch Naturists has now been officially sponsoring swims for 2 months now, and this month will be the 3rd official clothing optional swim sponsored by Wasatch Naturists.

Nude awakenings: the misunderstood world of naturism
Tonight that confidence will be clear for all to see, as Welch bares all in The Great British Skinny Dip, a Channel 4 documentary following him as he attempts BN’s biggest marketing drive to date – a mass naked swim – and meets a range of characters from the nudist communities around the country, from a former headmistress to a nervous trade union officer.

From The Telegraph
Everyone's got a naturist cliché in their head. Remember that holiday when you accidentally ended up on the wrong beach? Or inadvertently strolled in to a nudist yoga class? Where do you look? How bad is it to stare? Did you find the whole thing hilarious or crushingly embarrassing?
Unlike in Germany, where we're told naked rambling is as common popular pastime, public nudity in the UK remains a taboo. Stereotypes abound and its all to easy to have a quiet little snigger about those who choose to spend time at home and abroad sans clothes. But two recent studies have revealed that naturists are happier and more comfortable in their bodies than those of us who grimace at the idea of removing any kind of clothing at the beach.
It's not just about ping-pong you know! Things you only know if you're a female naturist
Naked for All
By Kensunwalker
-Note : republished by permission. Thanks Kensunwalker.
Clothing is for everyone. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you look like, what you believe, or what you do, clothes are accepted. Oh, you may have to wear a particular uniform or dress a certain way. Your business may demand a certain style. Your religion may require that you to conform to that community’s dress code. The clothes that are appropriate for shopping in the city will be different in the country, and very different at the beach. But other proclivities don’t seem to matter – nun, priest, doctor, teacher, contractor, sales rep, telephone operator, customer service person, fast food worker, clerk, straight, gay, video pornographer, swinger, nudist, as long as you’re clothed, you are accepted; clothes make the “accepted” man or woman.