Lets celebrate the fact that there is once again an organization promoting naturism in Utah. Wasatch Naturists has now been officially sponsoring swims for 2 months now, and this month will be the 3rd official clothing optional swim sponsored by Wasatch Naturists.
While there have been naturist organization in Utah in the past, it has been years since there was an active AANR affiliated non-landed club active in Utah. We need to celebrate the fact that there is now an active club again in Utah. There are monthly swims, and monthly textile meetings as well. There is a camping trip planned for April, but it isn't sponsored by Wasatch Naturists, it is some of the members of Wasatch Naturists joining with another group, where because of the remote location, naturism will be able to be practiced.
It will be exciting to see the increased opportunities to practice naturism in Utah as Wasatch Naturists grows and develops. If you haven't yet joined -- please fill out the application and help promote naturism in Utah.