The first week of August, Wasatch Naturists held the 4th annual Campout in the Mountains in Summit County.
It's been a busy week, and I'm just now getting around to posting about the Hoytsville campout last weekend. It was a really fun group. I think we had 16 people - 5 people had been there before, and for the rest it was their first time at the property.
We managed to take less cars than usual, so getting in and out wasn't quite as congested as it had been in previous years. We got up there in good time Saturday morning, and the weather was great for most of the day. I forgot to put sunscreen on, and got a little burned. We spent a couple hours floating in the pond and it was really nice.
Then that evening, the rain started. Luckily we had two canopies so we huddled under them for a while. Ginette and I had bought a brand new tent that week, and I thought I had it staked in the ground really well, but the wind managed to pick it up and it ended up in the pond. Luckily Cory and Teiah had an extra tent they let us use.
The next morning, we took our time getting up, had breakfast, lounged around for a while, then broke camp and left. It was a really fun trip, and it was nice getting to know everyone better. Thanks to Carrie for letting us camp there, to Stephen for the delicious salmon, and everyone else for for the conversations and great company.
Looking forward to the next camp at The Beach in a month!

Wasatch Naturists Campout